There is no exaggeration in this fact that our jobs are contributing a significant role in making us fat. Years of research in different parts of the world is enough to ensure this fact that how can our job and work routines can make us fat.
How your work is making you fat?
Researchers showed that if your work stress and you’re working outputs for your job burning your fewer calories in one hand but in other hand official work has minimized your physical activity and due to extra pressure and anxiety of work, your food intake has become increase.
No doubt, we have indulged in a busy life schedules these days. Everyone is working hard daily for longer period of times and they have no time to waste for shopping healthy food and after that for cooking that food after a hectic routine of working hours.
The flourishing restaurants and hotels industries are the signs of our unhealthy routines. During the working hours, we face to much pressure of work and our food consumption increases due to that anxiety, because of our busy schedule we have no time for preparation of proper healthy lunch and we used to eat fast foods like pizzas and burgers, and consume too much calories by these poor quality diet. Further more excessive use of soda drinks and to cope with our dizziness and anxiety during work excessive use of caffeine products like tea and coffee with too much sugar is the main reason of gaining fat in spite of tough routine of our jobs.
Main causes of Obesity:
As mentioned above the root causes of obesity and fatness are.
- Consumption of poor quality foods containing too much calories and fats including fast foods like burger and pizzas.
- Consuming too much sodas drinks and caffeine containing drinks like coke, lime soda, tea and coffee.
- Indulge in pressure of work too much that leads to anxiety and sleeping disorders.
- Avoiding physical activities and exercise and stay inactive in front of computer for the longer period of time.
Solutions Against this Obesity during your unhealthy routine of job:
- Take healthy food and spend some times for your diet which is more important for you as compared to your hectic routine of job. As a famous saying is “Health is Wealth”.
- Avoid unhealthy fast foods containing many calories.
- Avoid soft drinks and more sugar containing drinks and caffeine containing energizers.
- Take apple and other these types of healthy vegetables and fruits during your working hours instead of other poor quality stuffs.
- Avoid taking too much pressure of work, and you should have the abilities to cope with your anxiety of work and don’t let this anxiety to disturb your sleep which is harmful for your health.
- Try to live happy, comfortable, energetic life with a positive attitude towards your daily life routine.
- Do exercise daily according to your physical capacity.
- Do yoga for your relaxation.
- Avoid fats which contain more calories as compared to carbohydrates and proteins. Specially saturated fats ( animal fats) are responsible for obesity, try to use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats (plants fats) in your daily use which contain less calories as compared to saturated fats.
If you are healthy in life, you will be more contented and happy and a happy and contented state of mind increases your working capacities and capabilities. So stay fit, live happy.
Lower physical activity, consumption of poor quality and junk food is the reason of obesity. By adopting few healthier routine in our life we can get rid of these extra fats in our body.