CINESTAR cinema and QYT Events organized a grand premier of the Bollywood movie ‘Break Kay Baad’ starring Imran Khan and Deepika Padukone on Thursday 25 November.
The Red Carpet event was attended by number of celebrities including Saba Hameed, Ayesha Sana, Resham,Iffat Raheemand many others.
In addition to that, there was also an extensive presence of media including representatives from TV Channels.
CINESTAR cinema and QYT Events organized a grand premier of the Bollywood movie ‘Break Kay Baad’ starring Imran Khan and Deepika Padukone on Thursday 25 November.
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1. ‘Break Kay Baad’ Premier at CINESTAR
CINESTAR cinema and QYT Events organized a grand premier of the Bollywood movie ‘Break Kay Baad’ starring Imran Khan and Deepika Padukone on Thursday 25 November.