Priyanka Chopra was a sight to behold as she attended the Mumbai premiere of her upcoming Prime Video web series Citadel. She walked the blue carpet with her co-star Richard Madden and all eyes were on her as she rocked the thigh-high slit blue gown from Versace. Priyanka plays the role of Nadia Singh in Citadel and the trailer has already impressed the fans.
Further, the actress has been making waves with her fashion choices during her India visit. From the promotional junket for Citadel to the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre launch, PeeCee has been making style statements with her looks.
Priyanka Chopra‘s Citadel premiere was graced by all the big names of Bollywood on Tuesday. Varun Dhawan, Rekha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Sophie Choudry, Neha Sharma, Aisha Sharma, Rakul Preet Singh, Neha Dhupia, Anubhav Sinha, Shweta Tripathi among others were in attendance.
Looking like a million dollars, Priyanka Chopra opted for a strapless gown with a thigh-high slit for the Citadel premiere. The turquoise gown was accentuated with a blue Dalmatian print with a cascading train. The ensemble is from Versace’s fall 2023 collection She complemented her gorgeous gown with black ankle-strap platform heels, smoky eyes, and statement stud earrings. The gown is not available to buy yet and was presented on March 9 in Los Angeles.
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