Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan married a beautiful news anchor Reham Khan in a low-key wedding ceremony attended by a few relatives, party members and friends at Khan’s Bani Gala residence on previous Thursday.
While Mufti Saeed conducted the Nikkah followed by a photo session of the newly-weds, Imran Khan’s sisters, residing in Lahore, unable to attend the ceremony. During the ceremony, the Haq Mehr was set at one lakh rupees.
Congratulation and wishes starting to pour across the Pakistan as the news of the wedding broke by the media.
Good on you Skipper ,Congratulations! My family and I wish you all the happiness with your blessed new life #secondtimearound #goodonyou
— Wasim Akram (@wasimakramlive) January 8, 2015
Loving the Shadi frenzy all over media. Something to rejoice about in such dark times. Mabrook! @ImranKhanPTI @RehamKhan1
— Sharmila faruqi (@sharmilafaruqi) January 8, 2015
Congrats to my leader & brother @ImranKhanPTI & my friend @RehamKhan1. May Allah bless the newly wed couple with all the best.
— Ali Zaidi (@AliHZaidiPTI) January 8, 2015
Congrats to my dear friends , @ImranKhanPTI & @RehamKhan1 on this very happy occasion .May your lives be filled with happiness, joy & unity.
— salman ahmad (@sufisal) January 8, 2015
Shadi mubarik to imran khan nd Reham khan.
— Pervaiz Khattak (@Pervaiz_Khattak) January 8, 2015
Imran Khan chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf weds Reham Khan BBC news anchor on previous Thursday.