Actor Arjun Rampal and girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades are expecting their first child together, the actor announced with an adorable post on Tuesday. “Blessed to have you and start all over again… thank you baby for this baby,” Arjun captioned a loved-up picture of himself and Gabriella, in which she’s dressed in a gown and can be sporting the pregnancy bump. This will be Arjun Rampal’s third child.
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The actor was earlier married to Mehr Jesia from 1998 to 2018 and they have two daughters – Mahikaa and Myra – together. Reports of Arjun Rampal and Gabriella Demetriades‘ rumoured romance hit the gossip columns in November 2018. They’ve attended several media events and personal events together and in January they trended after reports of their impending wedding featured in webloids.
Here’s Arjun Rampal’s post announcing Gabriella Demetriades’ pregnancy:
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Blessed to have you and start all over again….thank you baby for this baby 👶🏽
Gabriella Demetriades is a model and she featured in 2014 film Sonali Cable, however, she told news agency IANS in an interview that she has no interested in pursuing a career in films. “I didn’t enter Bollywood. I did just one film. Honestly, I didn’t love the experience in it. So, I didn’t want to do another film. So, I made my way back into the fashion space because that is where I feel most comfortable,” Gabriella told IANS. Gabriella, who is currently hosting AXN original series Twinning, said that she’s open to star in a Netflix project or an Indian produced project for an English speaking role.