Following the successful and critically acclaimed airing of Ufone’s exciting music television show Uth Records, Ufone extends its Uth music platform to partner with Red Bull and their Uth based initiative: Red Bull ‘Tum Tum Pa’. Through this collaboration, students from Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad are being given a unique opportunity to showcase their individual musical talent through their universities classrooms!
With Red Bull ‘Tum Tum Pa’, Uth Records and Red Bull recognize students who are often drumming their pencil on a desk, clicking their pen to an imaginary beat, trying to play guitar with their ruler or beating a can like a drum. This platform is based in the belief that it is time to take this habit to a more competitive level.
To this end, students are being asked to register online [link provided below] for qualifier events being held from mid April 2011 in universities across the three cities, where student groups of up to four are to use their musical creativity to create rhythms and jams out of pens, pencils, rulers, scissors and erasers! Every crew will be given 60 seconds for each of the following challenges: “The Cover” and “The Own Composition” where students can show their best jamming, drumming and beating! After a performance spanning 120 seconds only, the jury, which also comprises of drumming icon and producer Uth Records Gumby and Farhad Humayun, will rate the performance in the categories of rhythm, creativity and style. Teams will then take part in the National Finals being held in Islamabad at the end of April 2011 where the national winner will be given a chance to compete in Brazil for World Finals!Mohammad Omer, Head of Marketing Operations & Brand Activation Ufone has said “Uth Records believes in providing a platform to the Uth. With this association we hope to reach a wider audience specifically the younger generation of Pakistan and enhance their creative output and give these individuals a platform to display their musical talent”.
Hammad Azim, Director Marketing Red Bull Operations Pakistan said “As a global brand, Red Bull has always believed in bringing out and encouraging the best in people. Through the Red Bull Tum Tum Pa initiative in Pakistan, we hope to extend our support and bring out the latent musical talent inherent in young people”.