Makeup is an art and makeup need lots of practice, no one can become an expert in a day. Make up gives a magic to your skin that you look beautiful and attractive. The most important face area is your eyes and in accordance eye makeup is the most important one.
Eye make can only make your look change, we will talk about some eye shadow makeup guide by following it you can change your look every day. The eye shadow makeup guide is nothing but all about taking colors and how to blend them is the art.
Now days the hottest eye shadow color is purple eye shadow because it suits everyone. There are many shades of purple and anyone can use purple eye shadow according to her taste. The eye shadow makeup guideis tricky and hence helpful too, as it teaches you how to blend colors and which color will suit you.
Let’s talk about that who can wear this purple eye shadow as it comes in dark colors. There are many ways to apply this color on the eyes. Woman you can use purple eye shadow with some color like use warm color with it such as gold and smoky grey.
Eye shadow makeup guide even tells us that the woman who has pale skin can grape purple color as it will enhance your skin tone. Women who have fair skin tone can sugary plum and on the lids and can blend it well. Purple eye shadow is the only color that is for every lady just use berry color mascara with this eye shadow and you ready to go at a party.
The Eye shadow makeup guide tells us so many ways by which we can apply purple eye shadow in a number of ways. Women just take lavender or royal purple and make a thick line under the lashes that extend the outer corner of the upper area of the eye.
Even woman who don’t want to apply and merge different eye shadows together can use this purple eye shadow and they are done with their eye makeup. If you want to create a very dramatic look you can do it by applying this purple eye shadow and use a liner with it and just merge it little it will transform into navy blue shade.
Eye makeup guide tells that if some woman wants to carry a very subtle look, this shade is really helpful for them. Mix purple color with neutral shades and blend them together, actually blending is the game.
Purple eye shadow is such a hit color, especially the violet purple that every model is carrying this color on fashion shows and shoots. Celebrities are even wearing this color.
Whatever shades of purple you chose, first make sure that it goes with your skin tone and secondly start with a lighter shade of purple than go for a darker tone. Purple is an amazing color and it gives a warm feeling when it is applied to the eyes.
Purple eye shadow is one of the eye shades that are for every skin tone and compliment every skin tone. There are so many eye shadows makeup guide tips that are helpful if someone wants to apply this color.